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 About Carshop

Your home for second hand cars South Africa. Buying a used car is not always easy. At Carshop we're passionate about making it as easy as possible for you to purchase the car of your dreams by simply staying on one website. Your time is important, which is why we’ve put all the various elements you’ll need when buying a new car, at your fingertips. Use our simple, yet fully comprehensive search tool to browse through thousands of used cars for sale in South Africa and then calculate your monthly payments with our finance calculator. Filter your results with the most in-depth used car search tool in South Africa - from Make and Model, to vehicle Power, Torque or CO2 Emissions - Carshop has your needs covered.

Get the best deal on vehicle finance from trusted finance partners such as Wesbank Vehicle Finance or Absa Vehicle Finance. With a huge selection of used cars for sale in South Africa, which we're updating and adding to daily, as well as various monthly new car specials on offer, we’re certain that Carshop is the key to your dream car.

At Carshop we’re not just content with offering you thousands of used cars for sale in South Africa, we're passionate about cars and motoring culture too. We're sure our team of internationally renowned journalists will keep you up-to-date with motoring news, vehicle reviews and expert opinion pieces, to help you make the most informed decision when it comes to buying your next car. Whether you’re after an in-depth look at new car models available locally, when and as they are released, be sure to head through to our vehicle reviews or alternatively kick back and watch one of our car video reviews. Thanks for stopping by, be sure to connect us on all major social media networks. Carshop - The Key to Your Dream Car.

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